I am often asked why use cold laser instead of hot laser to treat nail fungus.
For me the answer is easy – hot laser fries the nail and the fungus indiscriminately and kill fungus using the heat from the laser. However, using heat on the nail really just causes damage to the nail and the nail bed and causes the body to focus on repairing the damage from the hot laser, rather than focus on fighting the fungus. Pinpoint laser is more problematic as it focuses on minute points, therefore hot laser may actually miss areas of fungus, particularly in the corners of the nail.
Furthermore, hot laser is quite painful. I tried it and it was not fun.
Cold laser treatment is based on the principle of assisting the body’s immune system to beat the fungus by tilting the playing field in favour of the human body. Fungus ordinarily is not a difficult organism for the human body to overcome, but when it is safely protected under a nail, it it difficult to stimulate the blood flow in that localised area to increase cell regeneration and fight the fungus. The Lunula Laser combines two laser beams to beat the fungus:
The first beam (and 405 nm) serves to weaken the cell walls of the fungus which kills most of it and weakens the defences of the remainder; and
The second beam (at 635 nm) penetrates below the nail bed and helps stimulate the body’s own immune response in that specific localised area to beat the fungus by increasing blood flow to the nail bed which improves your immune response attack to the weakened fungus.
Harnessing the human body’s own immune response is a fantastic way to beat an otherwise obstinate fungus. The sophistication of the cold laser approach makes hot laser seem like a prehistoric tool. That is why Clear Nail Laser Clinics choose cold laser to help our clients to beat nail fungus, naturally.